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Program Design

Childsplay Learning Design

The learning design is based upon Sight Sound and Motion methodology (SiSoMo) and IMPACT* as its pedagogical framework.. In a similar way to how we all learned to speak, through a direct, explicit, mastery approach and the ability to personalise learning efforts, all children will be inspired to achieve reading fluency at performance levels never before contemplated.

This Digitally Automated Phonetics system, through direct, disciplined, precise teaching, is a model of learning that

  • Promotes learning productivity and performance partnerships between home and school
  • Inspires learners and boost performance through personalising resources, effort and success
  • Benefited by but not critically dependent upon teachers

Product Design:

There are 3 core components to the Childsplay program

Visual Primer

Home based Age 1 to five years
Visual Primer is family centric, fun based, whole word learning activity, targeted to home learning environments before children commence school. There are 40 x 1 minute, self-paced, mastery orientated, learning activities. Parents and their children learn and share reading success together
EP Code100 sight words

Home and or School Age 5 to 6 years
100 Sight Words is a Bridge to give all children a flying start to learning and reading success at school. With 48 sounds and a simple 4 colour code, all children can unlock the secrets of the 100 non-phonetic most common words in the English language.

1. MAGENTA: letters are vowel sounds which are numbered 1 to 22
2. BLACK: letters are consonants, sounded phonetically as written
3. BLUE: consonants are 'sound switched" (pronounced using the letter written above them)
4. YELLOW: letters are SILENT
EP Code Fluency School Age 6 to 7 years English Phonetic Code: School-centric reading program, boosts fluency through consistency, success and personalisation.
Teaches personalise inspirational reading content to meet interest and challenge of each learner.
Any digital text can be decoded at the touch of a button.

Global Design: Mass Customisation

Notwithstanding that learning content is best personalised in the classroom, the mass customization of the Reading and Speaking Program can be tailored to meet cultural, technical and localized environment factors that may be prevalent in countries as diverse as India and China.

The Global Phonetics Institute has direct access to education experts who can collaborate, inform and strategise system rollout protocols and expectations globally.